I'm going to do sort of a "wool basics wrap up post" and the next few posts will cover some things in more detail-and then I'm going to have to get creative or maybe just chatty! :-)
So why does wool work well as a diaper cover? The easiest answer is that it absorbs liquid (ie urine!) very well, it is soft, and it is beautiful! There are lots of different things you can use as a diaper cover-PUL/plastic (this is what typical cloth diaper covers are made with), fleece, and wool are the most common ones. You do have to use an actual diaper under all these types of covers, by the way! None of them are absorbent enough to be a diaper in and of themselves.
Key things that set wool apart from other types of diaper covers:
- Natural fiber-both PUL and fleece are manmade/synthetic fibers. This is not bad in and of itself, but some kids are sensitive to the materials in PUL and/or fleece as well as the materials in regular diapers. Even if this is the case for your child, wool is worth a try!
- Breathes-even though we are used to thinking of wool as intended for warmth and winter garments, wool actually "breathes" very well, and does not transfer heat or hold it in-it actually helps you maintain your current body temperature! (sheep are not sheared during the summer because they are hot, but rather because summer is the only time of year when they can survive without their coats long enough to re-grow them as we use their fleece for something else! They'd be perfectly happy to stay "clothed" year round) PUL and fleece both hold heat in-again, not necessarily bad in and of itself, but some children are sensitive to this.
- Easy to care for-unlike fleece, you don't have to wash and treat it every time you use it, but rather about once every 4 weeks to 3 months, depending on how you are using it and how big your rotation is. PUL is the easiest type of diaper cover to care for, hands down. But wool is not nearly as hard as most people think!
- Absorbs excess liquid as opposed to trapping it against the child's skin (which is how both fleece and PUL keep kids dry).
- Can double as both your diaper cover AND clothing in one!
Oh, and one more thing-even if you use disposable diapers, wool can serve you well! Aren't you tired of washing the sheets every night? If you use a wool garment as pajama pants/shorts, you probably won't have to anymore! Just put it on over the diaper, and no more wet sheets. :-)
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