And the winner is....Julia Blair!!! Chosen by!
This cool item was supposed to make it into the Grand Prize, and I spaced and forgot about it-so you get a bonus giveaway!
Claire over at Crunchy Momma Love has contributed an adorable pair of zebra teethers to attach to your soft structured carrier! These are a perfect accessory and can be used on an Ergo, Boba, etc. They have gorgeous zebra cotton outers and soft terry cloth inside to make for a great chewing experience for your little teether. We have some of these on our Ergo, and my baby LOVES them!!
For entry on this one, go to the Crunchy Momma Love facebook page (listed above), like her page, and write on her wall telling her A Lamb's Tail sent you. I will randomly draw one person who does that to win these awesome teethers! While you're there, check her other stuff out-she also makes Momma cloth, unpaper towels, and other great items!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Grand Prize!!!
The winner was Anna Stallcup, with this image:
We were fortunate to have a lot of awesome mamas contribute to the Grand Prize! Please read this post in its entirety, as the rules to enter may be different from your typical giveaway. Trust me, though, the prizes are worth it!!
Don't forget to enter all of our highlight sponsor prizes as well! They are available here.
The Grand Prize giveaway is only available to US Mamas.
In order to QUALIFY to enter, you must do two things:
1. "Like" the Facebok pages of ALL of the sponsors using the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this page (if you do not like all of them, you will be disqualified).
2. Answer a trivia question (also in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this page) about each page CORRECTLY. If you can't find the information, you are allowed to message the WAHM to ask her for help.
Any person who does not complete both of the above will be disqualified from participation in the Grand Prize drawing.
In order to WIN, you must take a photo (graphic design images are fine as well) that somehow relates to the theme "Celebrate WAHMs." It can be funny, serious, staged, casual-be creative! This photo must then be posted to the Celebrate WAHMs event page: Ideally they would be posted during the party so we can all enjoy them, but if you are unable to do that, you can post them prior to the party, and I will bump them during the party. I will choose my favorite photograph to win.
The winner will receive ALL of the prizes listed below. They are all being sent from various WAHMs, so please allow for mailing time!
Okay, now on to the awesome prizes!
1. Soy Wax Melt sprinkles from Jen at Pink Zebra, which is a soy-based wax melt company whose products are made from 100% renewable US-grown soybeans.
We were fortunate to have a lot of awesome mamas contribute to the Grand Prize! Please read this post in its entirety, as the rules to enter may be different from your typical giveaway. Trust me, though, the prizes are worth it!!
Don't forget to enter all of our highlight sponsor prizes as well! They are available here.
The Grand Prize giveaway is only available to US Mamas.
In order to QUALIFY to enter, you must do two things:
1. "Like" the Facebok pages of ALL of the sponsors using the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this page (if you do not like all of them, you will be disqualified).
2. Answer a trivia question (also in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this page) about each page CORRECTLY. If you can't find the information, you are allowed to message the WAHM to ask her for help.
Any person who does not complete both of the above will be disqualified from participation in the Grand Prize drawing.
In order to WIN, you must take a photo (graphic design images are fine as well) that somehow relates to the theme "Celebrate WAHMs." It can be funny, serious, staged, casual-be creative! This photo must then be posted to the Celebrate WAHMs event page: Ideally they would be posted during the party so we can all enjoy them, but if you are unable to do that, you can post them prior to the party, and I will bump them during the party. I will choose my favorite photograph to win.
The winner will receive ALL of the prizes listed below. They are all being sent from various WAHMs, so please allow for mailing time!
Okay, now on to the awesome prizes!
1. Soy Wax Melt sprinkles from Jen at Pink Zebra, which is a soy-based wax melt company whose products are made from 100% renewable US-grown soybeans.
Prize is a sampler set of our Spring/Summer 2013 scents. You cannot buy these, they are only available to consultants! Scents included are:
I <3 Watermelon
Totes Cherry
Cake Batter
Light My Fire
Coffee Buzz
Crazy Banana
Grape Popsicle
Powder Puff
Strawberry Sass
Honeysuckle Hugs
Tahitian Lime
Beach Breeze
Totes Cherry
Each Tester holds approximately 1 tablespoon of Sprinkles. Use as much or as little as you want! Each use lasts approx 36-48 hours, and if the smell starts to go away, simply toss in a few more sprinkles and the smell comes back.
Totes Cherry
Cake Batter
Light My Fire
Coffee Buzz
Crazy Banana
Grape Popsicle
Powder Puff
Strawberry Sass
Honeysuckle Hugs
Tahitian Lime
Beach Breeze
Totes Cherry
Each Tester holds approximately 1 tablespoon of Sprinkles. Use as much or as little as you want! Each use lasts approx 36-48 hours, and if the smell starts to go away, simply toss in a few more sprinkles and the smell comes back.
2. A set of adorable apple hair barrettes from Deb at The B Family Boutique
The B Family Boutique has some seriously adorable stuff! Hair clippies like these, wipe cases, adorable clothing and shoes, and more! She has ready-to-ship stuff and some that is made to order! Check her out!
3. In honor of A Lamb's Tail, Lilly from Life Through Your Body is offering up this to-die-for hat and wool soaker set!
Lilly offers custom and ready-to-ship outfits-she has some seriously cute stuff! Check her out!! She is very talented and can design things if she sees them, too!
4. Jennifer at Dapper Derrieres is offering a contoured bib burp cloth in an adorable owl print! Made with waterproof PUL on one side and absorbent minky on the reverse, this burp cloth prevents wetness from seaping through onto your clothes. This baby essential is perfect for on the go parents because it will double as a bib! Why carry more in that packed diaper bag if you don't have to? This burp cloth has snaps strategically placed on both contoured "wings" so that you can snap the bib in place around baby's neck to prevent messes on your little one's clothes.
5. $20 gift certificate to A Lamb's Tail which can be used toward anything in the store, including custom spots and shipping. Wool is wonderful for cloth diapered babies and can be a great way to leak proof your little ones at night-or just as a natural, breathable fiber for any time! Even if you don't cloth diaper, woolies can be used as adorable clothing or photo props!
6. Samantha at Buzzing Bottoms is offering a set of double sided flannel cloth wipes! Even if you don't cloth diaper, these are great for wiping little noses, or even cleaning up spills!
Enter via the Rafflecopter form below! Again, this is open to US mamas only-the sponsors will incur all shipping costs. Questions? Feel free to message me on facebook: A Lamb's Tail
a Rafflecopter giveaway
6. Samantha at Buzzing Bottoms is offering a set of double sided flannel cloth wipes! Even if you don't cloth diaper, these are great for wiping little noses, or even cleaning up spills!
Enter via the Rafflecopter form below! Again, this is open to US mamas only-the sponsors will incur all shipping costs. Questions? Feel free to message me on facebook: A Lamb's Tail
Highlight Sponsor-Auntie Fannie's Shoppe
This wonderful highlight sponsor has a great Etsy shop with all kinds of fun goodies available! Check her out here: She has been kind enough to offer a great package of goodies to a lucky winner! Make sure you RSVP for the Facebook party here: While attendance is not required to win, it will be a lot of fun and the fastest way to find out if you are a winner!
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
Being able to be with Connor, and use him as my inspiration and model from time to time.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
The shop is ""auntie Fannie"" because that is my nickname, Fannie and all my nieces and nephews call me auntie Fannie.
My shop is filled with stuff I love, and what I love to make.
I've been called a jack of all trades because I do a little bit of everything ;0)
I created a shop because I would make things as gifts for friends and family and they would say... ""You should sell this!"" I did some craft shows, but with my son it's easier to post online!
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
That I'm open to any ideas and will try and customize anything.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
My prize is a mobile featuring a lovely garden nymph and some beautiful flowers and a headband with a wool flower (photos coming Monday!). So adorable for your little princess!
This giveaway is open to the US or Canada. US shipping is complimentary; for Canada, shipping will be $6.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
Being able to be with Connor, and use him as my inspiration and model from time to time.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
The shop is ""auntie Fannie"" because that is my nickname, Fannie and all my nieces and nephews call me auntie Fannie.
My shop is filled with stuff I love, and what I love to make.
I've been called a jack of all trades because I do a little bit of everything ;0)
I created a shop because I would make things as gifts for friends and family and they would say... ""You should sell this!"" I did some craft shows, but with my son it's easier to post online!
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
That I'm open to any ideas and will try and customize anything.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
My prize is a mobile featuring a lovely garden nymph and some beautiful flowers and a headband with a wool flower (photos coming Monday!). So adorable for your little princess!
This giveaway is open to the US or Canada. US shipping is complimentary; for Canada, shipping will be $6.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Highlight Sponsor-Cutieus Maximus
The mama behind this giveaway is offering up some awesome wipes! She is just getting her business started, so go like her page and give her some love!
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
These double layered wipes are so luxurious that you will have a hard time limiting their use to just wiping tiny heinies. Flannel on one side for the delicates, and creamy, dreamy sherpa on the other for everything left behind, these 8"x8" wipes will be able handle even the toughest of messes. And who doesn't love Pooh Bear? (We wanted to keep these for ourselves, but are also delighted to share them with you!)
This giveaway is open to mamas in the US or Canada, and Anna has generously offered to cover shipping costs as well! Enter via the Rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
I am thankful for a (semi) flexible work schedule, as well as the fact that working from our home enables me to spend time with my own little cutieus!
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Cutieus Maximus is the brain-child of Anna Stallcup, with the help, love and encouragement of her husband, Bubba. We started cloth diapering right out of the gate with our son, and have loved it for many reasons, but especially the savings! Working in the cloth diapering industry is a perfect fit for Anna, seeing as it is a subject that is difficult for her to STOP talking about. Our baby gladiator theme aims to capture the simultaneous cuteness and toughness of the human child, and of the entire parenting adventure. Also, there is something hilarious about a baby in a gladiator costume.
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
We want to provide cool, fun diapers that mommies and daddies alike can't wait to put on their babies.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!These double layered wipes are so luxurious that you will have a hard time limiting their use to just wiping tiny heinies. Flannel on one side for the delicates, and creamy, dreamy sherpa on the other for everything left behind, these 8"x8" wipes will be able handle even the toughest of messes. And who doesn't love Pooh Bear? (We wanted to keep these for ourselves, but are also delighted to share them with you!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Highlight Sponsor-Life Through Your Body
Lilly is the awesome mama behind Life Through Your Body. She is a childbirth educator and doula, and has some seriously cute crocheted stuff-hats, woolies, and more! Check her out here:
She is offering a CRAZY cute set-matching hat and woolies-enter through the Rafflecopter widget below! Don't forget to RSVP for the Facebook party here: to learn more about Life Through Your Body and be the first to find out winners.
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
My favorite thing about being a WAHM is being able to help out my family while doing things that I love!!! :)
What is the inspiration behind your business?
As a mom, childbirth educator, and birth doula I truly love the beauty of bringing new life through your body. When my third was born I began to bring life to this yarn by creating cute things for him to wear. I enjoyed it so much that I made the decision to make cute things for other babies, kids, and adults as well! :) I love finding new ideas and inspiration for more things to crochet!
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
That I can pretty much custom make anything as long as I have a picture of it ;)
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
The prize being offered is a custom spot from Life Through Your Body. Contact Lilly to let her know what you want and she will do it for you!
This giveaway is open to the US only, and the winner will pay shipping ($3). Lilly is also contributing a custom spot to the Grand Prize, so be sure to enter for that as well!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
She is offering a CRAZY cute set-matching hat and woolies-enter through the Rafflecopter widget below! Don't forget to RSVP for the Facebook party here: to learn more about Life Through Your Body and be the first to find out winners.
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
My favorite thing about being a WAHM is being able to help out my family while doing things that I love!!! :)
What is the inspiration behind your business?
As a mom, childbirth educator, and birth doula I truly love the beauty of bringing new life through your body. When my third was born I began to bring life to this yarn by creating cute things for him to wear. I enjoyed it so much that I made the decision to make cute things for other babies, kids, and adults as well! :) I love finding new ideas and inspiration for more things to crochet!
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
That I can pretty much custom make anything as long as I have a picture of it ;)
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
The prize being offered is a custom spot from Life Through Your Body. Contact Lilly to let her know what you want and she will do it for you!
This giveaway is open to the US only, and the winner will pay shipping ($3). Lilly is also contributing a custom spot to the Grand Prize, so be sure to enter for that as well!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Highlight Sponsor-The B Family Boutique
Debra is the WAHM behind The B Family Boutique! You can find lots of photos of her awesome stuff here: She is generously offering a beautiful wipes case, free for shipping! To enter, you will use the Rafflecopter below.
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
Being able to stay home with my babes and still make a little extra money to keep us comfy.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
When I was expecting our daughter, I became obsessed with hair accessories. At the rate that I was spending money on bows, I was BROKE. So, I learned how to make my own and have been for the past 3 years. It just branched out to the wipe cases shortly after.
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
Everything I do is done with love. I don't do it for the money, really. I do it because I like happy babies.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
The wipe cases that I make are an awesome baby shower gift. It's a cute way to say that you care enough to get something custom made for that special baby in your life!
My favorite thing to get at my baby showers were always the custom made gifts. Just because it speaks to me more than the pack of wash cloths did.
This giveaway is open to the US only, and the winner will pay shipping ($3.50). Debra is also contributing a super-cute set of hair clips to the Grand prize, so keep your eye open for that!
Don't forget to RSVP to the Facebook party here: ! While attendance is not mandatory, it will be a lot of fun, and we will be announcing winners periodically, so that will be the fastest way to find out that you have won!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
Being able to stay home with my babes and still make a little extra money to keep us comfy.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
When I was expecting our daughter, I became obsessed with hair accessories. At the rate that I was spending money on bows, I was BROKE. So, I learned how to make my own and have been for the past 3 years. It just branched out to the wipe cases shortly after.
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
Everything I do is done with love. I don't do it for the money, really. I do it because I like happy babies.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
The wipe cases that I make are an awesome baby shower gift. It's a cute way to say that you care enough to get something custom made for that special baby in your life!
My favorite thing to get at my baby showers were always the custom made gifts. Just because it speaks to me more than the pack of wash cloths did.
This giveaway is open to the US only, and the winner will pay shipping ($3.50). Debra is also contributing a super-cute set of hair clips to the Grand prize, so keep your eye open for that!
Don't forget to RSVP to the Facebook party here: ! While attendance is not mandatory, it will be a lot of fun, and we will be announcing winners periodically, so that will be the fastest way to find out that you have won!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Highlight Sponsor-Buzzing Bottoms
This highlight sponsor is the lovely WAHM from Buzzing Bottoms! She is offering a gender neutral one size pocket diaper, free to the US, and free for shipping to Canada! Check her out here:
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
I will be offering a one size pocket diaper. The outer will be 2 toned with a gender neutral cotton print on the back/wings and white minky dot on the front. There will be a hidden layer of PUL to make the diaper waterproof. The inner will be the soft white minky dot which doesn't stain and wicks moisture away from baby's bottom into the insert. The closure & rise settings will be white KAM snaps.
Please note that the above are samples of past work, not photos of the diaper you will receive! :-)
This giveaway is open to the US or Canada. Shipping is free to the US-for Canada, just add $4. Enter via the Rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
I love being able to work at home, work on my own schedule, & being with my son 24/7.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
I originally started sewing cloth diapers & wipes to build up my son's stash. When I showed people the diapers I made, everyone said I should sell them. I created a shop on Etsy & Buzzing Bottoms was born!
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
Every item I sell is hand cut & sewn by me and only me.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!I will be offering a one size pocket diaper. The outer will be 2 toned with a gender neutral cotton print on the back/wings and white minky dot on the front. There will be a hidden layer of PUL to make the diaper waterproof. The inner will be the soft white minky dot which doesn't stain and wicks moisture away from baby's bottom into the insert. The closure & rise settings will be white KAM snaps.
This giveaway is open to the US or Canada. Shipping is free to the US-for Canada, just add $4. Enter via the Rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Highlight Sponsor-Dapper Derrieres
Our next amazing prize is brought to you by Dapper Derrieres! You won't want to miss out on this-even if you don't need it yourself, it will make a FANTASTIC shower or baby welcoming gift for a new mama! Check out all of this mama's cute stuff here:
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
Dapper Derrieres is offering a custom grab bag of all our most popular items tailored to every mom's wants and needs! Our grab bag will contain an assortment which includes items found in our everyday gift baskets. These items include a contoured burp cloth/bib, roll & go wipes, flannel wipes, a wet bag, nursing pads, a cloth diaper key chain and more! Visit to see our products!
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
I love being a WAHM because it allows me the flexibility necessary to accomodate life with two children. Many people have others they can rely on when they need a hand with child care, picking up a sick kid from school or getting them to their next soccer practice but I don't. We have relocated for work purposes multiple times and we now live in a state without family to lean on for assistance. Since the average boss doesn't like it when a parent needs to leave work to accomodate thier kid's lives, snow days or sicknesses, being a WAHM is perfect! I love being my own boss.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
My inspiration for Dapper Derrieres started during my pregnacy with my second child. I decided that I wanted to be a stay at home/work at home mom and needed to make some changes in order to allow that to happen. When I looked at ways to accomodate life using one income, rather than two, I decided to look into cloth diapering. I was amazed - and overwhelmed - by the number of options available for cloth diapering and being a crafty mama, I wanted to try making my own super cute fluff.
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
Dapper Derrieres strives to provide function, style and affordability.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!Dapper Derrieres is offering a custom grab bag of all our most popular items tailored to every mom's wants and needs! Our grab bag will contain an assortment which includes items found in our everyday gift baskets. These items include a contoured burp cloth/bib, roll & go wipes, flannel wipes, a wet bag, nursing pads, a cloth diaper key chain and more! Visit to see our products!
Winner will be contacted to accomodate gender preference so that we can provide you with products you will use.
This giveaway is open to the US or Canada, and this mama has generously offered free shipping to either location as well! All she asks is that you help spread the word about her insanely adorable products! Enter via the Rafflecopter form below. This mama is also contributing to the Grand Prize-so be sure to check that out as well!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Highlight Sponsor-Bows for Every Princess 2013
This mama is offering a prize that you can customize to be anything you want! Check out her cute stuff here (and scope out what you will choose as your prize!):
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
Being a WAHM is awesome because I get to stay at home with the most important people in my life and make money to help my hubby with bills and diapers...
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Well I am a mother of 5 soon to be six, three of which are currently girls (don't know the sex of the new baby yet) and I got so tired of not finding any reasonable prices for hair bows that were actually cute and after a few times at the store staring at bows I decided I can do this no problem and I started making them it wasn't until my friends asked me to sell them some that I created Bows For Every Princess 2013-the business was named by one of my best friends who says every girl needs to feel like a princess. I also recycle things that most people would throw away like bracelets that break, cupcake toppers, necklaces, basically if it is cute and I think I can turn it into a bow I recycle it. I also save my ribbon and tulle scraps and make bows out of them as well...
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
I recycle
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
I am offering $15.00 store credit because I want people to get the bows their little girls would love...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
Being a WAHM is awesome because I get to stay at home with the most important people in my life and make money to help my hubby with bills and diapers...
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Well I am a mother of 5 soon to be six, three of which are currently girls (don't know the sex of the new baby yet) and I got so tired of not finding any reasonable prices for hair bows that were actually cute and after a few times at the store staring at bows I decided I can do this no problem and I started making them it wasn't until my friends asked me to sell them some that I created Bows For Every Princess 2013-the business was named by one of my best friends who says every girl needs to feel like a princess. I also recycle things that most people would throw away like bracelets that break, cupcake toppers, necklaces, basically if it is cute and I think I can turn it into a bow I recycle it. I also save my ribbon and tulle scraps and make bows out of them as well...
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
I recycle
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
I am offering $15.00 store credit because I want people to get the bows their little girls would love...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Highlight Sponsor-Bunny's Fluffy Bum LLC
Do you have a newborn on the way-or know someone who does? Then this giveaway is for you! The mama behind Bunny's Fluffy Bum LLC is offering a newborn fitted, free for shipping! Check her out here:;;; . Blog is
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
I'm offering up a newborn fitted, free for shipping. These are a cute, quick dry, fold-in fitted design with an umbilical cord snap. Winner will have the choice of a print knit outer or colored cotton velour. The body is made with thirsty organic bamboo fleece.
Winners do pay shipping-$2.50 to the US, and exact shipping to Canada (yes, this giveaway is open to Canadian and US mamas!).
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
My favorite thing about being a WAHM is that I LOVE my job. I love to sew and I love cloth diapers. It only makes sense that having a job where I can do two of the things I love and enjoy would be a good match. I hope to be able to someday be a full-time WAHM, once the business is up and running more.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Bunny's Fluffy Bum LLC was started almost by accident. I made my daughter a Green Bay Packer outfit complete with fleece pompoms for football season. I had a bunch of leftover fleece and stumbled upon the Katrina's Soaker Pattern. I made a few, sold them, and soon had people asking for more.
The name of my business is inspired by my daughter's love of ""Hop-hop"" her stuffed bunny from Build-a-Bear. It is one of her lovies and is carried around with her everywhere. And since cloth diapers create fluffy bums....we ended up with Bunny's Fluffy Bum.
The name of my business is inspired by my daughter's love of ""Hop-hop"" her stuffed bunny from Build-a-Bear. It is one of her lovies and is carried around with her everywhere. And since cloth diapers create fluffy bums....we ended up with Bunny's Fluffy Bum.
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
I'm human. I'm not perfect, so please don't expect perfection. I do stand behind my product though, and will fix something if it needs to be fixed.
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!I'm offering up a newborn fitted, free for shipping. These are a cute, quick dry, fold-in fitted design with an umbilical cord snap. Winner will have the choice of a print knit outer or colored cotton velour. The body is made with thirsty organic bamboo fleece.
Winners do pay shipping-$2.50 to the US, and exact shipping to Canada (yes, this giveaway is open to Canadian and US mamas!).
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Highlight Sponsor-Her 3 Little Thinkers
Nikki is a mama who is new to blogging. She shares recipes, coupons, and giveaways on her blog! She is planning to give away a Pampered Chef gift when she reaches 150 fans, so keep an eye on her page after you like it! Check her out here:
$20 iTunes or Amazon gift card. Winner chooses.
No shipping costs will be incurred by the winner, and this giveaway is open to the US or Canada. Enter via the Rafflecopter form below, and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is the inspiration behind your business?
My whole idea is to share coupons, freebies, stories and recipes.
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
I'm a mom looking to save money
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!$20 iTunes or Amazon gift card. Winner chooses.
No shipping costs will be incurred by the winner, and this giveaway is open to the US or Canada. Enter via the Rafflecopter form below, and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Highlight Sponsor-Kraz Couture
We are excited by this amazing gift package from Kraz Couture! If you love cloth diapers and awesome prints, read on! You can find her amazing stuff on Facebook:
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
I love sharing my time to see my child grow . Being at home I'm in a comfortable environment that lets my thoughts run free.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Kraz Couture was inspired by my first son Kaden . A mother with a budget buying enormous amounts of disposable diapers became cost prohibitive. I didn't like not knowing what harsh chemicals were touching my sensitive baby's skin. I went on a hunt and came across cloth diapering. I got to know each and every type of diaper made, then decided to make my own and share them with other mamas. Kraz Couture is a business where customers are not only customers, but friends.I have a satisfaction guarantee. Prints and patterns are not limited to what I have in stock.I even send texts to let you know when I go shopping ;)
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
Customers are friends
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
I am offering a Custom Heavy Wetter hybrid fitted Diaper , Cover, and Taggie Blanket Set.
Does your child wake up soaked in his/her crib ? Constantly changing sheets becomes a pain. My Diapers are made from the greatest water resistant fleece (windpro) layered with soft cotton / bamboo velour touching babies skin and your choice of print . Mamas have more delight seeing there babies in adorable cloth diapers then ever, knowing your money is going towards bettering your baby's future health , and making the world and greener place.
This giveaway is open to the US only. The winner will pay flat rate shipping, which is $5.60. a Rafflecopter giveaway
What is your favorite thing about being a WAHM?
I love sharing my time to see my child grow . Being at home I'm in a comfortable environment that lets my thoughts run free.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Kraz Couture was inspired by my first son Kaden . A mother with a budget buying enormous amounts of disposable diapers became cost prohibitive. I didn't like not knowing what harsh chemicals were touching my sensitive baby's skin. I went on a hunt and came across cloth diapering. I got to know each and every type of diaper made, then decided to make my own and share them with other mamas. Kraz Couture is a business where customers are not only customers, but friends.I have a satisfaction guarantee. Prints and patterns are not limited to what I have in stock.I even send texts to let you know when I go shopping ;)
What is one thing you would like people to know about your business?
Customers are friends
Tell me more about the prize you are offering for our party!
I am offering a Custom Heavy Wetter hybrid fitted Diaper , Cover, and Taggie Blanket Set.
Does your child wake up soaked in his/her crib ? Constantly changing sheets becomes a pain. My Diapers are made from the greatest water resistant fleece (windpro) layered with soft cotton / bamboo velour touching babies skin and your choice of print . Mamas have more delight seeing there babies in adorable cloth diapers then ever, knowing your money is going towards bettering your baby's future health , and making the world and greener place.
This giveaway is open to the US only. The winner will pay flat rate shipping, which is $5.60. a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, March 15, 2013
When Buying Used
Sorry for my long absence! I have been quite busy the last few weeks (mostly working on orders, which is great! Keep them coming in!).
Today's topic is what to look for when buying used wool. I am definitely of the "buy used to save money" persuasion in most areas, and generally buying used has worked very well for me. Wool can be quite expensive, so it's definitely helpful to save on it however possible! However, there are a few things to be aware of when buying wool used.
The biggest thing you want to know is whether your used wool has any (unintended) felting. The area where this is most likely to occur is in the wet zone, but it could also happen to the entire garment if someone accidentally tossed it into the dryer or dried it over a heat register. Note that felting will not interfere with the garment's ability to absorb moisture, but it will make a huge difference in fit-wool that has felted usually loses its stretch. The stretchiness of wool (in my mind) is one of the things that really contributes to its value-typically your child can wear the same wool garment for months and it will fit well because it will stretch to accommodate them. You just have to decide how much this is going to be an issue for you-if the price is really great and you are fine with the garment only fitting for a few weeks to a month, then go for it! However, if you really want something that is going to grow with your child, you may want to be cautious about felting. Now, you should realize that a little bit of felting can occur without loss of stretch. If you are there in person, just take the garment in your hands and stretch it around to see how much stretch and/or rebound it has! If you are buying online though, you are taking the word of the seller as to whether it has a lot of stretch left or not, and that can be a little chancier.
Felting is a bit difficult to see in photos, but below are some examples. Hopefully the seller will disclose any felting issues-if not, I recommend asking about them prior to purchase!
Some other things to ask about:
What was used to wash these? (If they say "woolite" then run away!)
Any holes or wear/tear?
If the "for sale" listing states that the wool could use a shave, that is fine! It does not impact the function of the wool garment in any way whatsoever. It just means it will look a little "fuzzy" (see this post for details). You can shave it (or ask them to) if you want, or not-just depends on your personal preference! One thing to note-shaving with a non-quality shaver can eat holes into your garment, so be careful! If you have them shave it, ask for a photo again after it has been shaved.
One of the great things about wool, and the reason it holds its value, is that it is VERY hardy and holds up incredibly well while retaining its shape and function. Most likely, buying used will be a great way for you to grow your stash if you are looking to save a little money (but be aware-you won't save a ton of money-as I said, it holds its value very well! As a general rule, my new garments are less or equal to the price of used wool, at least for right now while I am building my business. However-you may find a mama who is just looking to get rid of outgrown items and she may give you a great price, so it's worth a look!).
Today's topic is what to look for when buying used wool. I am definitely of the "buy used to save money" persuasion in most areas, and generally buying used has worked very well for me. Wool can be quite expensive, so it's definitely helpful to save on it however possible! However, there are a few things to be aware of when buying wool used.
The biggest thing you want to know is whether your used wool has any (unintended) felting. The area where this is most likely to occur is in the wet zone, but it could also happen to the entire garment if someone accidentally tossed it into the dryer or dried it over a heat register. Note that felting will not interfere with the garment's ability to absorb moisture, but it will make a huge difference in fit-wool that has felted usually loses its stretch. The stretchiness of wool (in my mind) is one of the things that really contributes to its value-typically your child can wear the same wool garment for months and it will fit well because it will stretch to accommodate them. You just have to decide how much this is going to be an issue for you-if the price is really great and you are fine with the garment only fitting for a few weeks to a month, then go for it! However, if you really want something that is going to grow with your child, you may want to be cautious about felting. Now, you should realize that a little bit of felting can occur without loss of stretch. If you are there in person, just take the garment in your hands and stretch it around to see how much stretch and/or rebound it has! If you are buying online though, you are taking the word of the seller as to whether it has a lot of stretch left or not, and that can be a little chancier.
Felting is a bit difficult to see in photos, but below are some examples. Hopefully the seller will disclose any felting issues-if not, I recommend asking about them prior to purchase!
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These are interlock soakers that were accidentally felted. |
What was used to wash these? (If they say "woolite" then run away!)
Any holes or wear/tear?
If the "for sale" listing states that the wool could use a shave, that is fine! It does not impact the function of the wool garment in any way whatsoever. It just means it will look a little "fuzzy" (see this post for details). You can shave it (or ask them to) if you want, or not-just depends on your personal preference! One thing to note-shaving with a non-quality shaver can eat holes into your garment, so be careful! If you have them shave it, ask for a photo again after it has been shaved.
One of the great things about wool, and the reason it holds its value, is that it is VERY hardy and holds up incredibly well while retaining its shape and function. Most likely, buying used will be a great way for you to grow your stash if you are looking to save a little money (but be aware-you won't save a ton of money-as I said, it holds its value very well! As a general rule, my new garments are less or equal to the price of used wool, at least for right now while I am building my business. However-you may find a mama who is just looking to get rid of outgrown items and she may give you a great price, so it's worth a look!).
Sunday, February 24, 2013
How to Measure for Woolies!
Regardless of if you want a lovely pair of custom woolies from my shop, are trying to buy a pair from your local diapering store or a website, or are looking to purchase used, you need to know how to measure your little one to get the best fit. If you are measuring for a custom pair, you will of course get a perfect fit-but if not, at least you can get a good fit! One thing to note: wool is quite stretchy, so it's generally not a great idea to add a whole lot to the measurements-if you do, you may find that you end up with a gorgeous pair of woolies that are too big for your little one! At most, I recommend adding 1/2-1 inch to the rise and 1 inch to the legs.
You Need:
An adorable baby and a measuring tape! The booger sucker is optional. All measurements should be done over a diaper, preferably the diaper or type of diaper you are likely to use with your woolies!
You Need:
An adorable baby and a measuring tape! The booger sucker is optional. All measurements should be done over a diaper, preferably the diaper or type of diaper you are likely to use with your woolies!
For All Wool Garments
Start at the baby's belly button, then pass the measuring tape down under their crotch |
Hold the front of the measuring tape in place, then flip the baby over and bring it up to the top of the back of their diaper. |
This can be measured right at belly button level. Wrap the tape around, then read the number! |
Do this at the widest part of the baby's hips. Again, just wrap the tape around and then read! |
For Longies (Pants)
You can measure leg length several ways. The 2 easiest are below. If your child is old enough, you can also take this measurement while he/she is standing. All should be measured from the diaper's crotch, not the very top of the legs, as most woolies have a gusset that allows extra room for the diaper and is not considered part of the leg length.
Measure your child lying down. Start at the crotch of the diaper and measure down as far as you want the legs to go. Note that most babies bend their knees, so make sure you account for that! |
For Shorties and Skirties
This is optional, but you may want to measure how long you would like your shorty/skirty to be. If so, you measure from the crotch again, but just stop at whatever point you want the garment to stop.
For Diaper Covers/Soakers
You are going to want to measure the thigh. I like to take this measurement just outside the leg openings of the diaper, since that's where you want the leg openings of your cover to be.
Just wrap around and read! |
Side view! |
And that's it! Pretty easy, right? Let me know if any of these don't make sense or you want more detailed photos!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Fuzz Factor!
So any of you who have used wool for any length of time know that it tends to get a bit fuzzy. If you are new to wool but have been looking into it, you may have noticed the words "needs a shave" in the description for some used items. What is the deal with fuzz?
Well, here's the thing. Sheep's wool is intended as a weatherproof covering. It is designed to stick together and for the fibers to go in multiple directions to prevent the sheep from being impacted by crazy weather changes. Wool also has a good "memory" meaning that the fibers tend to always try to return to their original organization.
This is a photograph of what sheep's wool looks like right after it has been removed from the sheep. Notice the matted fibers (and the dirt! LOL!). This is actually a really good thing because it is part of what "waterproofs" the sheep (this is why sheep are not miserably wet and cold even when standing in the rain). Now, when wool is being prepared to be made into clothing, it goes through a process:
Once you get to the roving stage you can either spin it into yarn OR just knit the roving.
Now, this characteristic of wool is actually one of the major things that makes it most suitable for diapering! The more the fibers stick together, the more absorbent the diaper cover is, because the fibers will fill in the "holes" that are created with knitting. I typically knit out of roving instead of yarn because this makes the cover more absorbent and "leak proof." However, it also makes it slightly "fuzzier" in appearance as a new cover. A cover knit from yarn will have less initial fuzz, but also more holes and thus a bit less absorbency/will leak sooner. So it kind of depends on what you are wanting! If you are ordering from me, if you prefer yarn over roving, please tell me-I am more than happy to do either!
One thing to know about wool though, is that because of the "memory" that I talked about earlier, ALL items that are made out of wool will fuzz eventually. The more wool content, the more tendency to create that fuzzy effect. Because diapering wool is usually at least 75% wool (preferably 100%), the "fuzz factor" is high! So even items made of wool yarn will eventually look fuzzy (though they will probably nto start out looking that way-that completely depends on the yarn used). The other thing to know, especially if you are considering buying used, is that the fuzz does not show up well in photographs. You kind of have to take an out-of-focus, oddly angled photograph to capture it. I tried to do that this morning so you could kind of see....
Well, here's the thing. Sheep's wool is intended as a weatherproof covering. It is designed to stick together and for the fibers to go in multiple directions to prevent the sheep from being impacted by crazy weather changes. Wool also has a good "memory" meaning that the fibers tend to always try to return to their original organization.
This is a photograph of what sheep's wool looks like right after it has been removed from the sheep. Notice the matted fibers (and the dirt! LOL!). This is actually a really good thing because it is part of what "waterproofs" the sheep (this is why sheep are not miserably wet and cold even when standing in the rain). Now, when wool is being prepared to be made into clothing, it goes through a process:
First, it gets carded by hand or machine. Carding is basically running the wool between 2 big brushes to make the fibers lay in the same direction (more or less). |
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Once it has been carded, the wool looks like this. Notice how the fibers are all more or less in a straight line now. |
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Then the fun part-it gets dyed into gorgeous colors! Now it is called roving. |
Now, this characteristic of wool is actually one of the major things that makes it most suitable for diapering! The more the fibers stick together, the more absorbent the diaper cover is, because the fibers will fill in the "holes" that are created with knitting. I typically knit out of roving instead of yarn because this makes the cover more absorbent and "leak proof." However, it also makes it slightly "fuzzier" in appearance as a new cover. A cover knit from yarn will have less initial fuzz, but also more holes and thus a bit less absorbency/will leak sooner. So it kind of depends on what you are wanting! If you are ordering from me, if you prefer yarn over roving, please tell me-I am more than happy to do either!
One thing to know about wool though, is that because of the "memory" that I talked about earlier, ALL items that are made out of wool will fuzz eventually. The more wool content, the more tendency to create that fuzzy effect. Because diapering wool is usually at least 75% wool (preferably 100%), the "fuzz factor" is high! So even items made of wool yarn will eventually look fuzzy (though they will probably nto start out looking that way-that completely depends on the yarn used). The other thing to know, especially if you are considering buying used, is that the fuzz does not show up well in photographs. You kind of have to take an out-of-focus, oddly angled photograph to capture it. I tried to do that this morning so you could kind of see....
This is what a pair of woolies made from roving looks like from a "top shot" |
This is the fuzziest/"worst" roving I have ever worked with, so this is about as bad as you can expect it to get. |
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